Island Park is among the most renowned places to snowmobile in the world. Whether you are an expert that wants to snowmobile on Mount Jefferson or a first timer that just wants to ride the trails and see the sights, Island Park has it all.(See Island Park Snowmobile Trail Map)
There are over 500 miles of groomed trails in the Island Park area that are suitable for all skills and ages. These trails will get you anywhere in the Island Park are a from Ashton to West Yellowstone and Hebgen Lake.
Mountain Life Team Island Park Id Two Top Mtn

If you want a little more excitement than the trails, but not serious mountain sledding, there are numerous meadows and fields to carve up. There is also the Island Park Reservoir, which freezes over from December until March. Riding full throttle on the reservoir after a fresh snow is like racing on the Bonneville Salt Flats. What a blast.